Levelling an uneven bearing floor sports hall
Application: levelling bearing floor, intensive use of sports hall De Morgenzon
Surface area: 450 m²
Product: Jumpax® HD
In October 2014 we laid 450 m² of Jumpax® HD (Heavy Duty), with LVT on top, in a sports hall at sport park De Morgenzon in Holwerd. After advice from our advisor Robert van Leeuwen to owner Martinus Bron and laying company Bron Snijder from Stiens, the laying company went to work.
The uneven supporting floor did not need to be levelled thanks to the use of Jumpax HD. This enabled laymen Johan Boskma, Wiebe Lageveen and Douwe Visser to complete the job in two days. The result is a nice flat floor, where the feet can now hit the floor! The sports hall will be used as a theatre and dance hall.